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Dry Sauna & Steam Sauna

Sometimes, the most important service you can offer for others is the opportunity to take a few minutes and truly relax. If you’re looking to install, repair, or upgrade a steam room or sauna for your facility, A.S. Electrical is here for you! The use of these facilities have been linked to myriad health benefits, from cold symptom relief to simple relaxation, and the service is incredibly popular across a wide variety of demographics.

A.S. Electrical’s licensed electricians are trained in the installation and usage of dry-heat saunas and traditional steam rooms. We can install a fully-functioning sauna or steam room safely, efficiently, and at a competitive cost and quality.

Whether for an independent facility, gymnasium, hotel, or anywhere else, A.S. Electrical can supply you with dry and steam sauna installation and service that accommodates your needs. Give us a call anytime to learn more!